Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Biren "Simply Her" Dec 08 issue Covergirl!

Biren is the Covergirl for the December 2008 issue of Simply Her magazine!
Grab a copy of it now! =D
There's quite a number of pictures of her in the magazine and a 2 page interview mainly about her family.

碧仁是这一期(2008年12月)Simply Her周刊的封面人物!照片非常美哦!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Mediacorp 45th Anniversary Gala

Click to see the full picture 点击看原图

Bi Ren attended Mediacorp's 45th Anniversary Gala last night. Here are some photos of her. :)
She look really gorgeous. Credits to Mediacorp website for the photos.


ST Life Monday Interview

Photo credit to Straits Times

To read the article, please go to the following link,
Huang Bi Ren: Glamour Grad
A good report, get to know a lot more about Bi Ren. :)
Other recent news of Bi Ren, (in Chinese)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

3rd Nov 08: Straits Times Monday Life Interview

Hello, Bi Ren was the star feature on yesterday's (dated 3rd Nov 08) Life! section of Straits Times; article entitled "Glamour Grad". :) Updates of the article will come later.

An introduction of the one whole page interview:

“Unlike her dramatic roles on TV, Huang Biren makes her decisions offscreen
calmly and without fuss. She tells ANDY CHEN why she quit MediaCorp after 20
years and whether she will consider acting again.”

Saturday, November 1, 2008

早报:妈妈生日当天 黄碧仁将领“超级红星大奖”

Bi Ren is in today's Zao Bao.

妈妈生日当天 黄碧仁将领“超级红星大奖”

● 洪铭铧










Bi Ren awarded All Time Favourite Artiste SA2008 碧仁获颁‘超级红星大奖’

Photo from xin.sg 照片由新动网提供

Good news: Mediacorp yesterday announced Bi Ren will be awarded All Time Favourite Artiste Award in the upcoming Star Awards 2008. The award ceremony will be held on 15 March 2009. :) Bi Ren has won the Top 10 Most Popular Female Artiste for a record of 10 times, thus she gets this award. Congrats to Bi Ren and looking forward to her speech. :)

Related news:

Friday, October 17, 2008

'Be $avvy With Your $' Seminar

Bi Ren attended the 'Be $avvy With Your $' Seminar (理财讲座)organised by Mediacorp on 11 October. The seminar was held at Swissotel Stamford Ballroom; Edmund Chen and Bi Ren was the celebrity guest speakers. Here are some pictures of Bi Ren in the seminar, photos all credit to tanat83 of MediaCorp TV Forum. :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I weekly 2nd October 2008

Bi Ren was in last week's I-weekly (2nd October 08) , and the interview was about handphones.

手机型号... Nokia... 不太记得是什么model,因为是我先生买的,我自己不是很在意手机什么型号。能通电话、SMS、拍照就行了。



如果忘了带手机,你会... 我时常忘记带手机,尤其是放在家里充电的时候。之后会觉得不舒服,不知道家里有没有发生事情。

传过最甜蜜/重要的简讯是... 和老公互相甜蜜的简讯。因为儿子大了,所以给他一支手机,平时他去上一些课程,我会SMS他说下课后在哪里等妈妈。

如果你是一部手机,你会是... 顺眼简单,价廉物美型的。

手机里的秘密是... 哎哟,我没有自拍啦!

你的手机铃声/桌面是... 之前录下儿子的声音作为铃声,所以电话响的时候会听到“Mummy, Mummy, answer the phone, your phone is ringing”。桌面则是我的女儿,而且我们一家人全在用“妹妹”的桌面!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I weekly Scan 明星"答答问"

Here's the scan for Bi Ren's I weekly Ask the Stars.
Credits to iamzh. :)

[click to enlarge - bottom right hand icon]

Sunday, September 7, 2008

黄碧仁 不日复出 I weekly :)

黄碧仁 不日复出

  1. 知道你不续约后,我觉得非常可惜,想知道你退出是因为个人健康问题(哮喘)吗?
  2. 很希望新传媒能颁发“超级红星”给你。
  3. 在你演过的作品当中,你最满意哪个角色?

  4. 当了家庭主妇后,生活上有了什么改变?

    哈哈。。我不算家庭主妇啦,她们什么都做很厉害,我没有这么能干,我有女佣帮忙做家务。。不过,我会亲力亲为照顾小宝宝,大儿子的功课也是我监督。照顾一家大小的起居 生活,哈哈,我还蛮适应的。
  5. 你最想观众怎样记得“黄碧仁”?

  6. 你还跟哪些新传媒艺人保持联络?

  7. 在什么情况下你会考虑复出?

    很难说,我不能给大家空投的承诺,最大的前提是,我一定要给小宝宝母乳6个月,现在她已经5个多月大了。这段期间,陆陆续续都有人找过我合作,但timing不对。如果遇到好的剧本、角色和条件,我或许会考虑。当然,最理想和直接的情况就是公司能answer to my request (答应我的续约要求)啦。哈哈。 拍戏时我唯一也是我第一份工作,一做就20年了,在我内心深处,仍是我的最爱。
  8. 你希望女儿长大后也当演员?

  9. 你是个怎样的妈妈?

  10. 平时在家里除了照顾孩子,还会做些什么?

  11. 你通常会去哪里?

    平时我会去Thomson Plaza 买日常生活用品,孩子也在附近上学,所以很方便。周末的话,如果有出去,我们会带孩子去乌节路走走。

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Bi Ren on I weekly 碧仁 i 周刊 明星“答答问”

Bi Ren is on this week's I weekly! She answered some of the audience questions about her 20 year career in MediaCorp and her family. Will find time to post the questions and her answers here. :)

碧仁的“我 i明星答答问” 在这个星期的“i周刊”登出来了! 碧仁回答了观众十多个问题,关于她20年的演艺事业以及家庭。会尽快抽出时间把问题和碧仁的答案贴上来。碧仁在这一期周刊的照片好美哦! :)

Theme Song + Trailer screencaps 主题曲+ 预告篇

1970s 七十年代: 1980s 八十年代:
1990s 九十年代:

Trailer 预告篇

An Ode To Life theme song from youtube



Saturday, August 16, 2008

An Ode To Life Re-run! :)

Good news: One of Bi Ren's well known drama series, An Ode To Life (Year 2004) would be re-running from August 26, Weekdays 5.30pm on Channel 8! This drama has been said to be tailor made for Bi Ren as the role suits her very well - may look weak, but strong emotionally. :)

Consisting 40 episodes, the story spans through 30 years, mainly revolving around Ah-Zhi's (played by Bi Ren) long suffering life as she gets bullied and despised by her husband's family due to her poor family background. The drama got Highest Viewership Drama (over a million viewers) in 2004, and also earned Bi Ren a Best Actress nomination in 2004. Remember to catch it. :)
Reminder: Do remember to watch Bi Ren in 'The Hotel' Ep 16 (as Huang Yi Ren) on Tuesday Aug 19, 5.30pm Ch 8! :)

Bi Ren leaves MediaCorp 碧仁离开新传媒

Hi all, its a long time since I last posted. This isn't a good news ; Bi Ren has left MediaCorp since 30 June 08 due to some contract issues with the company. Her resignation is indeed a loss to the TV station and I am sure many of us don't want to see her go. But all hope is not lost, she does not rule out the possibility of doing dramas in future under project basis. :) She's now a full time housewife, taking care of her 2 children. We shall respect her decision and wish her all the best. :)

碧仁在6月30日已经正式离开新传媒当家庭主妇。碧仁离开的主要原因是因为合约谈不拢; 我们都很舍不得碧仁离开电视台。 可是别气馁, 碧仁说不排除复出的可能性, 只要遇到适合的角色, 酬劳达到要求, 她可能会复出。 既然碧仁已经做出了决定, 我们就应该支持她。 祝福碧仁一家人健康快乐。 :)

Some reports 一些报道:
The Straits Times Aug 8
The New Paper Aug 7
黄碧仁离开新传媒! Aug 4
Biren has left MediaCorp! Aug 4

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Hotel 大酒店

Look out for the currently re-airing 2001 blockbuster drama, 'The Hotel', which every MediaCorp artiste has a part in. 'The Hotel' re-runs on every weekday, 5.30 pm. Bi Ren would appear in Episode 16 (19 August), where she starred opposite MediaCorp Ah-Ge Christopher Lee. Her role name is Huang Yi Ren. :)


Friday, July 18, 2008

More on Glamour Mum 辣妈知多点 :)

More pictures from Official Website of Bi Ren in Glamour Mum and The Dude. Credits to MediaCorp for the pictures. :)


Want to know which shops Bi Ren went to?

1) Three3Three - 2 Handy Road #03-04/05/06/07 The Cathay
2) FENDI - 391 Orchard Road #01-31/32 Ngee Ann City
3) Friven & Co. 56 Tanglin Road #02-01

Also check out the videos (part of the show) in the official website!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Glamour Mum and The Dude pictures and links! 《辣妈好时尚》照片!

Here are some pictures (though not too clear, will get better ones when the website uploads) Bi Ren when she was in Glamour Mum and The Dude. Bi Ren still looks ravishing despite giving birth just 4 months ago, and she certainly lives up to her name of elegant mum. :) The show was really touching when Bi Ren cried as she talked about her grandma. And good news, for those who want to re-watch the show, you can go to http://www.recordtv.com/, username: birensfans, password: huangbiren. But do it fast, as the video will be taken away 15 days from date of airing. Also see the tips provided by Bi Ren in the show. :) Link. Thanks colourness. :)

这里有一些碧仁在《辣妈好时尚》的照片(抱歉,不是看得很清楚,过几天会放好一点的 :) )虽然才在四个月前产下千金,碧仁还是一样的亮丽,称她为高贵辣妈的确很适合。:) 很感人,碧仁提起自己外婆去世的时候还哭了,如果想重温的话,可以到这个网站:http://www.recordtv.com/用户名:birensfans,密码:huangbiren。可是要尽快哦,因为视频会在15天之后拿掉。还有想看碧仁的“辣妈宝典子”吗?请看,由colourness提供。:)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Glamour Mum and The Dude! 《辣妈好时尚》!

Bi Ren's first television appearance after her maternity leave would be on the variety show, 'Glamour Mum and The Dude', where she is known as Elegant mum. She would co-host the 5th episode of the show with Bryan Wong. 'Glamour Mum and The Dude' is telecast on every Friday night, 8 pm. Bi Ren's appearance would be on 11th July, so please take note! :) Pictures of her in the show will be updated here once the show has aired. Want more information? Visit the official website.

碧仁产后复出第一次在电视上亮相!她将会在7月11日(星期五)晚上8点,在第五集的综艺节目《辣妈好时尚》和王渌将联手主持这个节目。碧仁在这个节目称为高贵辣妈,这个名称非常恰当哦,因为每次看到碧仁都是以高贵的姿态出现的,对不对?:) 节目播完之后会刊登一些照片。请记得收看,谢谢!想对这个节目更加了解吗?请浏览官方网站。:)

Other re-runs of Bi Ren's dramas! 其他正在重播的碧仁戏剧!

Other than 'The Undisclosed', MediaCorp TV Channel 8 is also currently re-running another two of Biren's drama series! Biren's role may be small in both dramas as they were filmed when she just started out, its nevertheless good to see her acting skills in her early days! =) The 2 dramas are:

  • Wishing Well (1990 SBC drama) - Thursdays to Saturdays at 3 am to 4 am
  • The Village Hero (1990 SBC drama) - Mondays to Thursdays at 11 am to 12 pm

除了《迷云二十天》,8频道现在也正在重播碧仁在1990年刚出道时所拍摄的两部电视作品!虽然碧仁在这两部剧的角色小、发挥空间不大,可是重温一下经典的电视剧也是蛮温馨的,对不对?=D 那两部电视剧分别是:

  • 《幻海奇遇》 - 每逢星期四至星期六 凌晨3点至4点
  • 《大吉传奇》 - 每逢星期一至星期四 早上11点至下午12点

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Undisclosed 迷云二十天

Bi Ren's only drama serial for Year 2006 is currently being re-telecast! The Undisclosed is now shown on Mediacorp's Channel 8, Weekdays 11 pm to 12 am.

This drama serial is extremely interesting, talking about a murder case. Bi Ren plays Yan Ke Xin in this drama, a police inspector investigating the myths of the disappearance of her good friend Carol. Rated as the 9th most watched drama during its original run while her co-star, Li Nan Xing won Best Actor in the Star Awards 2006. Those of you who are willing to stay up till late at night can consider re-watching. :)

Also see the trailer below, credit to Mediacorp.
You can also watch this drama on the internet.
More information on Wikipedia


碧仁在这部剧饰演一位女警官,名叫严可欣。可欣得知自己好朋友Carol无原无故失踪后,必须追查谁是杀害Carol的凶手。大家除了赞碧仁在这部戏的表演,好多人都认为她的造型好酷、还得拿枪呢!你也可以到网站收看这部戏。收看 想知更多详情吗?请参观提供的网站吧。你也可以收看以下的预告篇(由新传媒电视提供)。:)

陀枪师姐 黄碧仁 维基百科 迷云20天 拍摄花絮

Trailer 预告篇 :)

Welcome to Huang Bi Ren Fanclub Blog 黄碧仁影迷网站!

Hello, this shall be MediaCorp artiste Huang Bi Ren's fanclub blog (unofficial)! All recent news and information regarding or related to Bi Ren would be published in this blog. All relevant opinions and new information are welcome to be shared here. :)