Friday, October 17, 2008

'Be $avvy With Your $' Seminar

Bi Ren attended the 'Be $avvy With Your $' Seminar (理财讲座)organised by Mediacorp on 11 October. The seminar was held at Swissotel Stamford Ballroom; Edmund Chen and Bi Ren was the celebrity guest speakers. Here are some pictures of Bi Ren in the seminar, photos all credit to tanat83 of MediaCorp TV Forum. :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I weekly 2nd October 2008

Bi Ren was in last week's I-weekly (2nd October 08) , and the interview was about handphones.

手机型号... Nokia... 不太记得是什么model,因为是我先生买的,我自己不是很在意手机什么型号。能通电话、SMS、拍照就行了。



如果忘了带手机,你会... 我时常忘记带手机,尤其是放在家里充电的时候。之后会觉得不舒服,不知道家里有没有发生事情。

传过最甜蜜/重要的简讯是... 和老公互相甜蜜的简讯。因为儿子大了,所以给他一支手机,平时他去上一些课程,我会SMS他说下课后在哪里等妈妈。

如果你是一部手机,你会是... 顺眼简单,价廉物美型的。

手机里的秘密是... 哎哟,我没有自拍啦!

你的手机铃声/桌面是... 之前录下儿子的声音作为铃声,所以电话响的时候会听到“Mummy, Mummy, answer the phone, your phone is ringing”。桌面则是我的女儿,而且我们一家人全在用“妹妹”的桌面!